Antibiotic Resistance: The Cause, Impact, and Solution

This research paper is being conducted to bring to attention the problem with antibiotic resistance that could result in catastrophic consequences. The increasing resistance to antibiotics, also known as the birth of superbugs (bacteria that are resistant to several different antibiotics), poses greater threats than most are aware of. This paper focuses on the two main causes of antibiotic resistance 1) using antibiotics when they aren’t needed 2) not following instructions when prescribed an antibiotic. Along with showing the impact that this problem creates 1) more deaths 3) spending more money 3) making medical advances obsolete. This study shows the need for awareness by everyone, from the average citizen shopping in the supermarket to the millionaire doctor working in a laboratory. Some advances have been made to try to curb the spread of the resistance. The U.S. Government and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have started to develop some plans to lower the resistance. What it boils down to is the cooperation and involvement of everyone to do the simplest things like taking an antibiotic as it is prescribed (length and time) to lessen the spread of bacteria mutating their genes to become resistant. If a solution to this problem never arises than sooner or later antibiotics will cease to exist.


4 thoughts on “Antibiotic Resistance: The Cause, Impact, and Solution

  1. A lot of the reasons why antibiotics don’t work is usually because people take them the wrong way. Or sometimes take them without actually needing too.

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