Acid Rain: Causes, Effects, and Prevention

My report will cover the effects of acid rain on the environment, its historical impacts, the causes, and how to recover and prevent it. The history will cover when scientists first discovered and coined acid rain, and when scientists first began to perceive it as a problem. The major causes will be discussed, such as…

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a huge problem in this day and age. So many things can cause air pollution and it is starting to be a major problem. Cars are a great example of something that causes air pollution. A source states that more than half of the air pollution in the United States is caused…


I will be discussing the different types of biomes we have in our state. I will be in-depth talking about what we live in and or near. I plan to have large portions of my project focusing on one of these at a time and then beginning to show how they are similar and different.…

Climate Change: Ruining Ecosystems

I will be talking about how climate change effects certain ecosystems and what it does for the animals in that ecosystem. Some common ones are the melting of ice in the north making hard for polar bears to hunt because they have no place to rest and end up drowning. Another one is the coral…

Diversity of Sharks in Coral Reefs

Sharks have been an apex predator in the oceans for thousands of years, and over that time the number of species has risen and fallen, but still retains a large number of variations between species. This research focuses on the diversity among shark breeds. A specific focus is upon sharks living in coral reefs, as…

Tropical Rain Forest

Tropical Rain Forests are a beautiful part of the planet we live on.  They hold what seems like and infinite amount of species and organisms to form the environment they live in. Tropical rain forests only take up two percent of earths above sea level property but also are also home to over sixty-five percent…

Life on Planet Earth

Hydraulic fracturing is the use of sand, water, and chemicals injected into the ground at very high pressures to blast open the shale rock and release the trapped gas inside. However to citizens this is known as fracking, some wells are even close to private property. There are some debates that this type of drilling…

Fungal Complications to Human Health

Fungal diseases may sound mysterious and dangerous, but they are often caused by fungi that are common in the environment.  Fungi can be found in soil, on plants, trees, and other vegetation.  In many areas, sampling of air particles has shown fungal spores dispersed in the air.  When fungi are found on the body, however,…

Invasive Species and Climate Change: A Deadly Duo

Invasive species represent a massive threat to ecosystems. They are generally non-invasive, meaning, they were previously located somewhere else, and moved into new regions. In these new regions the invasive species are not pron to predators and competitors. Which mean that they thrive in these environments. The predators and competitors would have controlled their spread…